Mori Lolli Night Bloom Doll

I am a collector of Ruby Red dolls  and was intrigued by new Mori Lolli dolls offered by a sister company Dolly Mori.

So on one fateful night I placed my order for a beautiful Night Bloom brunette.

The doll was shipped super quickly - it took about 10 days between me ordering the doll and its arrival from Hong Kong to Canada. 

Here is some technical information about this doll. And below is my personal review of  Night Bloom in all her dolly beauty!

This is how the box in which Night Bloom arrived looks like:

 The doll is packed and secured very well inside the box to avoid any damage:

Other than the doll, the package also includes carefully packed wig, clothes, accessories, shoes, a set of Velcro-like stickers and a set of information cards:

The doll comes dressed in little panties. I appreciate her pretty ivory skin, deep blue eyes and quality manufacturing - I could not find any flaws.

Night Bloom can stand on her own, if positioned carefully (as her head is quite big and is the heaviest part of her body):

Night Bloom shown next to her wig - as you can see, it is quite long.

The doll comes with 6 round Velcro-like stickers to help secure the wig. However, I did not find them to be particularly helpful to hold the wig in place. I personally don't like removable wigs, but this is what makes a doll customizable. There were some hairs coming off from the wig, as I tried to position it on the doll's head.

Another thing that makes Mori Lolli dolls customizable, is that one can change their eyes. One can buy a set of different eyes and install them in the doll's head. The eyes are attached with sticky substance which reminds chewing gum, so eye replacement can be easily accomplished by doll owners.

This is the outfit that comes with the Night Bloom doll - a dress, an apron, long socks, shoes and a hair band. It's a kind of Gothic Lolita style, and I found it quite cute. It is made very well and is fairly easy to put on a doll, although the bottom section of the sleeves is quite tight and one needs to carefully pull doll's little hands through it. Shoes were also easy to put on the doll, even on top of the socks.

 Here is Night Bloom, fully dressed. Isn't she a sweetie?

I think that Night Bloom is a very pretty and very well made little doll. I can't wait to make new clothes for her and share some patterns on this blog!
